Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Making it Count!

so far i am just trying to take this one day at a time and try to make the right  positive choices  every single day! so far its been 2 and half weeks and i am down 23 pounds ..... i have been trying to hit at least 2 sessions a day..... cardio and weights in the morning to mid afternoon and  classes at night! I started training with a  personal trainer at Anytime Fitness and lets just say  he has taken my weight training up to a whole new level ..... i've been very good with my nutrition  , other than monday night , which turned into a movie date night ... i did indulge in some popcorn and then we had schlotzskys .... but other than that i have been on point! still having trouble getting use to trying to eat 5 times a day  and  also  hitting my macros  but  it is a work in progress.... I am officially  2.6 pounds away from my lowest weight ... i have been here before and some how have always managed to sabotage  myself and  back track!  not this time ... staying focused!

Saturday, October 12, 2013


I had all  but forgotten about my blog here but in attempt to get myself back on track  i decided to perhaps restart writing down my fitness journey   hoping to stay more accountable..... the truth is this last year  has been a roller coaster of ups and downs..... Its been 2 steps forward and 2 steps back with me.... I will get extremely motivated  and drop some weight and then  have a bad month of it.....  eating like shit and  not exercising, not counting calories, and being generally a lazy ass! Then i wake up and say WTF  MO!!! and decide to be  super motivated again!  I'm so tired of the yo-yo ... i need to  really commit to a life change and just do it already! So far this week i have been on track ..  i went to all the  BJJ, KB, and  MMA classes that my schedule would allow and i also started back at the gym!  Also i was accepted to be a beta tester for a new fitness program by fitness guru Jeremy Reid! Basically i have committed to do exactly as he says and  eat Exactly what he says  when he says it ... i am looking forward to the ass kicking!

I just need to remind myself this is a marathon and  i am in it  for the long haul .....i have to recommit myself  daily to making the right  choices and remembering that Today is the first day of the rest of my life and there is no time like now to start! I know  once i really get started and  start seeing the changes again that it will help me  stay on track!  So here is to  staying motivated and getting fit.....