Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Making it Count!

so far i am just trying to take this one day at a time and try to make the right  positive choices  every single day! so far its been 2 and half weeks and i am down 23 pounds ..... i have been trying to hit at least 2 sessions a day..... cardio and weights in the morning to mid afternoon and  classes at night! I started training with a  personal trainer at Anytime Fitness and lets just say  he has taken my weight training up to a whole new level ..... i've been very good with my nutrition  , other than monday night , which turned into a movie date night ... i did indulge in some popcorn and then we had schlotzskys .... but other than that i have been on point! still having trouble getting use to trying to eat 5 times a day  and  also  hitting my macros  but  it is a work in progress.... I am officially  2.6 pounds away from my lowest weight ... i have been here before and some how have always managed to sabotage  myself and  back track!  not this time ... staying focused!


  1. You posted a comment on my blog in May 2012 stating you cured yourself of diabetes. Was it Type I or Type II? I was determined to heal my diabetes when I believed I had type II but I definitely have Type I, I have the autoimmune antibodies of Type I. I have read, and only a few times, that 'some'people have cured Type I but no names are ever mentioned and no details given how. It's like magic.

    I know type II diabetes can be healed, and without surgery. But Type I? Type I means my pancreas no longer makes enough insulin and is gradually producing less and less and less. Implanted healthy stem cells is probably the only hope for curing type I.

    So, if you would, and I know you don't have to, would you please tell me if you healed your Type I diabetes and if so, how did you do it?

  2. Proud of you, and I'm getting back into blogging here, too. Just want you to know that I'm here cheering for you!
